I begin to write a post and all a sudden draw a blank and can't think of a single thing to write anymore.
I've been trying to get the word out on the show and more and more people are listening and I love that and I hope that they are enjoying it. I would love to have more feedback. I'm a whore for feedback and praise hehe.
Seriously though, I like to draw and I need to go back to that past time cause it's therapuetic. I used to draw everyday all the time and I just stopped. Doing the show has given me that creative outlet that I had been longing for, for a very long time. It's given me a place to use inspiration that I get from other places.
The coolest thing about podcasting is the community of other podcasters that exist and an audience that tells you what they think of the show. It's alot different than playing a show for your Grandmother that loves everything you do. Hehe.
It's the people that listen that are the encouragement to keep doing it.
I have a confession to make. I've always been a major procrastinator with big dreams who's just getting older and older. I wanted to be a Comic Book artist and author and I wanted to write books and write and direct movies and i'm 34 now and I've done none of that. I actually have created a Podcast and i'm proud that i've done so and had a great set of co-hosts. I just want this inspiration to keep pushing me to do more and more. I want the show to be a success and I want thousands of listeners.
Is that asking for too much?
Well right now it is, I dont' think I could pay for that much Bandwidth right now hehe. I'm a Dad now and I have a beautiful daughter and I'd love to have a body of work to show her, I'd love to be proud enough to show her what daddy loves doing to entertain others. When I get an email from a listener it makes my whole day.
Thank you.
To judge or not to judge that is indeed the question. To defend and when chooses not to defend is another. Picking and choosing battles is also a testament to perfect timing which is lacking usually by the pickee. To rip to insult to add to cliche by throwing injury out the window, one makes ones world go shallow by the very sight of faint of heart. Interestingly enough, to be ones admonisher of fact one needs to know what the fuck they are talking about. Capice. How many people have you known on this Blue Marble we call Terra Firma is so filled with opinion and so filled with hot air, so filled with the answers that they don't see that no one is listening. How do they not see that the world wants them to shut up? How many of these people are so filled with themselves as to not see that they are not the stars of the movie but merely a background day player that will be lucky to get lunch on the set today? We all know someone that knows everything. We all know someone who forces their knowledge upon us. Well here's something to do today. Tell that person to shut up. Go on do it. You will feel so much better.
Watch this! I miss them I really do. Somebody buy me the new boxed set.
Scroll down a little and click on the Mike picture.
My head Hurts!
Does it still work?
Tripping over chairs...
...Falling down the stairs... ...BREAK...CHAIN...REHASH...SPLITTING...I was in a band once. It was a long time ago. In the days of beer and cigarettes. the days of non-caring the days when the world was powered by the black fuel. Gone now...
...Swept away for reasons long forgotten two mighty warrior tribes...Ok seriously now i'm just goofing. I was in a band though. It was so short lived I feel silly writing about it BUT it was important to me for a time and so were the people that were in the band. The rock band or were we a thrash band certainley not really metal just a thrashing head banging type of rock perhaps. Who knows but we had fun. We had many names I remember the first one was 'Harness' Lol taking a cue from Helmet. Only two of us that were in the band liked that. We never could agree on a name. We had i believe 4 gigs? I think.
It was hard to remember. I sang. Well I screamed and Yelled. Yes it was that kind of music. I'm a shy person when it comes down to it. I like to entertain I guess but when all eyes are on me I turn red. I need that magic juice that Elixir called Drinky Drink, Booze! Yeah I had to get shit faced drunk to be able to perform. I'm not proud of it but hey it was the only way at the time. I just couldn't do it sober. STAGE FRIGHT is a powerful thing. I didn't conquer it I just drowned it.
This isn't a public service annoucement about the evils of drinking while performing. No. I had a lot of fun but here's the deal I don't remember alot of it. That's what's sad. It sucks. I need some video of what went on. I've never been a druggy or done drugs it just didnt interest me but I loved the shit out of beer. I never even liked hard liquor at all. No shots no Vodka certainley not tequila. I was a beer drinker.
Off subject here a little. What am I getting at? Nothing really just typing away. I met my 'Now Wife' the first time we ever performed to an audience. I talked to her later that evening at a celebration for our first gig party. There was a keg and good spirits and people that really should be in bed. I vaguely remember people up on the roof of the house. Wow good times.
The same thing that always happens with friends and bands happened to us. You move on. You get sick of the same people you get sick of the lack of sincerity. There's that kindness between friends that disappears after awhile and it becomes family. A family that tells you exactly what they think and how they feel about what you are doing in your life and relationship and you get sick of that shit and you want them to butt out and that's what happens. You stop talking to them and you never speak to them again.
Down on the corner out here on the street blah blah blah blee blah blah blee blee blee blah blah SIGGA BOOKOO!
Hi. Can we speak freely here?
I have something to tell you... ...Two days ago I saw a rig big enough to haul that tanker, You wanna get outta here? Talk to me.
INT-Diner:Day Sam McGillicutti fried over 50 eggs during rush hour at one of the busiest hussle and bussle greasy spoons in all of Mulberry. Sam couldn't see the end of the tunnel but he could see a break coming up as soon as he was done with these 50 or so 'Fun Time Breakfast Combo's'.
With Clown Bot pizza right across the street not opening till noon there was no competition for ol' FlabberGassy's Diner o' fun and it was getting hit hard today for breakfast.
SeeSaw Cruthers
Well let's see here, I think I'll have the Blimp Special
with a side o' Sausage.
A click of the pen and FloJo had SeeSaw's order ready to go. FloJo
We'll have that out in a jiff SeeSaw, you want a refill
on your joe? SeeSaw looked down at his filled to the brim coffee and looked back at the waitress dumbfounded. SeeSaw Cruthers I got a full cup right here FloJo!
FloJo turned away ashamed realizing she'd just given away her one flaw and her life's biggest secret. SHE WAS BLIND. Yes that's right BLIND AS A BAT! Miraculously this 50 year old Waitress from the south side had been born legally blind but not wanting to disappoint everyone she hid the fact of her blindness her entire life. Not even her parents knew. Somehow she'd passed every single eye exam ever given it's as if this Idiot Savant knew what the eye charts said without having to see. You see in fact all her other senses were heightened to the point that she was a SUPER WAITRESS!
Fancy. Two years later she was found running a top secret Think Tank for the government exploring extraterrestrial ways of 'lookin' at stuff' as she put it.The End.
Sometimes I close my eyes while writing this blog and just try to let the words flow from my subconcious and onto the keyboard. Perhaps that's why I always have typos hehe. I post the new entry then edited over and over when I could just do a spell check in the first place. Don't ask me why, impatient I guess.
My fence is the backyard is old and will start falling apart soon, I need to have a new fence put up but it's one of those things that gets put on hold until the thing falls down and you have to deal with it because you can walk into your neighbors yard and barbeque whether they like it or not. I wonder how much it would be to put up a new fence? I bet it's expensive.
I'm craving Eggs and Bacon, Man i'd love to have me some Eggs and Bacon and some toast. Fried Eggs so I could break the yoke with my toast and sop it up. Yum! Some Hash Browns too and not the just plain potato chunks but the golden brown like at McDonalds! Oh man.
My Daughter is getting older each day and gets into more and more things as time passes on. One day she's dumped the laundry out of the basket and is using it as a sled and the next she's pulled everything out of our bedside dressers. Hehe little explorer. That damn Dora is influencing my child! How was your Halloween? Ours was good. We only went about a block because it was windy and cold but we got some good candy and my Daughter had fun. I feel older and older as the holidays come each year and I realize that I'm not a kid anymore and these things aren't really for me but for the kids. Aw man! I get to experience it with my child at least.
I will always enjoy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving has got to be my favorite cause I love FOOD! Thanksgiving a few years back was ruined cause my wife's cousin decided it would be a great idea to get married on Thanksgiving and in a city other than our own! I thought that was shitty of them to do that. Sure I am part of that family but part of thanksgiving is seeing MY family as well and I didn't get to that year and it sucked. They did have turkey and everything but you had to eat outside and it was super cold and windy my mashed potatoes were cold. BOOOO they ruined thanksgiving! Assholes! I'm still mad about that hehe. My Wedding Anniversary is coming up on the 7th. Gulp! I never know what to get my wife on these things and get all panicky, What do I get her?
On this day, My Daughter is 20 months old, Yay! I fear the Terrible Two's! Another Gulp.