Thursday, November 17, 2005

There is a name to my pain...

To judge or not to judge that is indeed the question. To defend and when chooses not to defend is another. Picking and choosing battles is also a testament to perfect timing which is lacking usually by the pickee. To rip to insult to add to cliche by throwing injury out the window, one makes ones world go shallow by the very sight of faint of heart. Interestingly enough, to be ones admonisher of fact one needs to know what the fuck they are talking about. Capice. How many people have you known on this Blue Marble we call Terra Firma is so filled with opinion and so filled with hot air, so filled with the answers that they don't see that no one is listening. How do they not see that the world wants them to shut up? How many of these people are so filled with themselves as to not see that they are not the stars of the movie but merely a background day player that will be lucky to get lunch on the set today? We all know someone that knows everything. We all know someone who forces their knowledge upon us. Well here's something to do today. Tell that person to shut up. Go on do it. You will feel so much better.

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