Saturday, May 14, 2005

Proverbial 'New to Blogging' first post...ugh

I'm just gonna talk about random shit, whatever comes to my mind really, Controversy? hell yes, er..I don't know if i'm very controversial, was Corky a sellout to the retarded community? I think so, Controversial thing to say? Only you know. I'm gonna talk movies and tv and books and such. I will talk about my everyday family life, my adventures with my daughter as we learn things anew from day to day. First thing I need to learn is to just BLOG whenever I feel like I may put random entries in one day or may just once a week, I will though not forget about it. I will keep up with it. I hope you enjoy reading it. When I can I will post some links to my favorite sites when I am not so lazy hehe. Well 90210 reruns are coming on the soap network in a few minutes so I need to....Oh god shoot me now.

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