Sunday, September 11, 2005

Here we go!

Well Episode 2 of Nowhere in Mulberry is in the can and I haven't even got Episode 1 out yet but I will put them both up very shortly. The problem is that I have been busy cause I am going out of town tomorrow until Thursday.

It's family vacation time and we are going to Port Aransus a beachside type of place that I have never been. I can't wait to see the beach and hope that the weather is good. We've never been on a family vacation before and we are very excited. Of course I am taking a laptop with me and my cellphone so that I can audioblog the entire time I am gone so check here everyday with new audioblogs. In case something goes wrong with no signal and I can at least get dial-up I will post in text.

Now to find a host to put our show up and to finish the site. Most likely it will be barebones until I get back. Hope you like the show when you get to hear it. I have a feeling that it will evolve every episode until we are comfortable with each other and what we are doing.

1 comment:

D said...

I'm looking forward to hearing Nowhere in Mulberry!!! Enjoy your vacation.