Friday, October 07, 2005

Here we are

Another day goes by in my life as I sit still looking out the window. Bugs crawl on the screen door outside. The temperture finally dropped yesterday and now it's in the 60's. Thank you thank you I am so over the summer heat. Like, Bye. Whatever.

Two days and it will be the future and this will be in the past. Past tense and what a stupid observation. Have something to say you jag-off. I got nuthin' but this six pack of empty and now i'm truckin' home. LOL what the fuck am I talking about. Am I locked away in some box waiting to be rescued?

Two days ago I was walking down the hall as I caught a glimpse of an appartion standing in the middle room. I stopped and looked in and there stood A robe hanging on a hook on the closet door. It's funny how the mind plays tricks on you how just a glimpse of something for a brief moment the mind tries to put the pieces together and this time the piece was a figure standing there, not a robe which isn't as interesting. I laughed and closed the door as Casper flipped me off from the inside. Little fucker.

Too many times i that I would stop not thinking that one thing that made me not want to do that thing was not thinking that thinking it would make me even want to be interested in thinking about it. That's what I was trying to tell you all along! Sheesh. Thank you thank you.

*Takes a bow*

I crack my knuckles and prepare to play this little fucking Diddy.

"To lose a Dominate tooth, I smell two things wrong." "I heard that girl out on the roof, I prayed it's not that blonde!"

"To use and Object Treated real, I'd have to be a reject with no appeal!"

A term I use a Term I use alot.

That's when it happened and the brown cookie with arms and legs took a look at me and flipped me off for the years of oppresion to his brothers. I quickly snatched him up and ate him and it was a good death. Fucking cookie! Doesn't he know his purpose it to be eaten?

Haha I thought as I gained 20 pounds instantly. The Ladeez no like dis here Belly! Me got big belly now! Growing stoopid! Hahahahahahaha I just pee peed my pants as I load this here shotgun cause zombies and banging on the door trying to get in.

I better finish this letter to the new guy who's gonna be making airplane models in here. Be sure and open the window for sufficient ventilation. Don't want to breath in them Noxious fumes.

I hereby signed below right there
below right here down there is when

Oops Hahahahahaaha that one almost got me wow you are smart. Two many times swore rip out the guts!

I want a robot to keep me company and make me FUCKING SANDWICHES!!!

IS it so bad to want a SANDWICH!?!?!?!

Thought NOT!


1 comment:

D said...

ltl me likes a good sandwich. :-)