Tuesday, October 18, 2005

7 already?

Episode 7 is here! Stephen calls in from Los Angeles and falls asleep on the phone! It's a golden moment that can't be missed. Stephen falls asleep alot. We'll start watching a movie and within 30 minutes I hear 'The Snore'.

Let's all hope Stephen gets plenty of sleep on his trip.

Where's Stephen? - There's a new James Bond! - ABC/Itunes Video $1.99 - Bit Torrent - Greatness of the Podcast Pickle - Movie Talk - Domino - Tony Scott - The Fog: Universally panned - Elizabethtown - Stephen phones in from Hollywood - Smallville - Veronica Mars - Alias - Stephen Dozes Off - My name is Earl - LOST - LOST theory - Movie Drops game - The News -The Greatness of SPACED - DVDs: Batman Begins - Land of the Dead



D said...

I'll check it out. :-)

Anonymous said...

hey bud, remember we're in different time zones. not that 2 hours is alot. lol.
sleepy stephen

The Jastrom said...

Not to mention that you are two hours behind making it earlier in the day lol.

D said...

um...you give up on blogs?

The Jastrom said...

Nope I am just procrastinating i'm sorry.